Propaganda Tactics
By Jordan Times (Editorial)
August 10, 2006

Israeli officials and the Israeli media have in recent days been decrying the “bias against it” by the international media. Imagine the, for want of a better word, chutzpah.

As evidence, Israeli newspapers claim that the international media has not afforded much coverage of Israeli civilian victims of Hizbollah rockets. Well, here is some: 36 Israeli civilians have been killed by Katyusha rockets. The majority of Israelis killed so far have been soldiers.

On the other hand, more than 900 Lebanese have been killed in the fighting. The vast majority, over 700, have been civilian. So perhaps therein lies the answer to the perceived “bias” against Israel. When you are killing innocent bystanders at a rate of 20 - 1, it would be rather amiss of the international media not to concentrate on where the greatest damage is being done.

Now, apart from perhaps in the US, no one buys the Israeli “we are the real victim” line. Even Israelis, those not utterly indoctrinated by their own state’s propaganda, don’t buy such nonsense. Still, the Israeli tactic, one of many in the propaganda wars, is useful.

Keeping an eagle eye on the media, Israel and its supporters have forced Reuters to withdraw one picture — one picture out of thousands — from Lebanon in which, according to the explanation of the news agency, “improper use” was made of photo software. The photographer was suspended.

Immediately, of course, such an incident is being used by Israel and its supporters to cast doubt over the veracity of all reporting from Lebanon. Shocking, but effective. One wishes the transparency with which Reuters dealt with the issue was used by Israel in dealing with its soldiers in the occupied Palestinian territories, who have been allowed to murder civilians, both Palestinian and Western, at will and without punishment.

The problem, as even Washington knows, is not any bias against Israel. It is the bias for Israel. The unlimited support Israel has enjoyed since its creation has allowed it to ride roughshod over international law. The ramifications in terms of legal precedence are enormous. The consequences in terms of human suffering are obscene.

That must change. There can be no peace, no security and no normalcy as long as Israel is not held accountable to the same strictures, norms, moral imperatives and laws that everyone else is expected to follow.

In other words, justice must apply equally to all.