Jimmy Carter Attempts to Provoke and Succeeds
By Roger Cohen
February 08, 2007

New York - It's hard not to have a soft spot for Jimmy Carter. Candor and integrity are written into the former president's face to the point that the question arises how such a man strayed into the bare-knuckled arena of politics. Speaking of which, a number of knuckles have been applied to that decent visage of late.

"This is the first time that I've ever been called a liar and a bigot and an anti-Semite and a coward and a plagiarist," Carter said last month. He added that he could take it, but conceded: "This has hurt me."

Carter's offense has been to take aim at Israel for the "confiscation and colonization of Palestinian territories"; for applying a "a system of oppression, apartheid, and sustained violence" against Palestinians; for "depriving their unwilling subjects of basic human rights"; and for building a wall "designed to complete the enclosure of a severely truncated Palestine."

These accusations are contained in Carter's best-selling "Palestine Peace not Apartheid," published last year as a summation of the former president's involvement in Middle Eastern politics. Carter, who orchestrated the 1979 peace between Egypt and Israel, is disappointed. His disappointment lies chiefly with the Jewish state.

To state the obvious, Carter's severe criticism of Israel is of a kind unimaginable from any senior member of the Bush administration. Nor would it be likely to come from any member of Congress with even a half-formed instinct for self-preservation. That, Carter suggests, was the point.

"The Palestinians are horribly treated and their treatment is not known at all or minimally in this country," Carter said Jan. 23, speaking at Brandeis University. "So I chose that title knowing that it would be provocative."

He has succeeded beyond his wildest dreams. Several members of the community board at his Carter Center in Atlanta have quit. Former aides have disputed his recollections of meetings with Arab leaders.

Alan Dershowitz, the prominent Harvard law professor, has referred to "an indecent book." Democrats, led by Nancy Pelosi, the House speaker, are disavowing the former Democratic president at a furious pace.

Here is what Pelosi had to say in a recent statement: "With all due respect to former President Carter, he does not speak for the Democratic Party on Israel." On the contrary, she continued, "We stand with Israel now and we stand with Israel forever."

A few things need to be said here. All the huffing and puffing speak to Carter's point: Blunt criticism of Israel is not a paying proposition in the United States. There's just no constituency for it. That reality is unhelpful to balanced debate and to any honest American brokering in the region.

A powerful Jewish community has now been joined by a resurgent evangelical movement in the expression of strong - if differing - attachment to Israel. A post 9/11 fear of the undifferentiated Arab terrorist, stoked by the Bush administration, has cast the Palestinian national struggle and its suicide bombers into the same basket as Al Qaeda.

Pelosi knows she'd be shooting herself in the foot to back Carter. So would any other un-retired politician of whatever stripe. The Democrats are weary of shooting themselves in the foot. They want what all politicians want: power.

Carter, having known power, seeks peace on the basis espoused by most reasonable people: a two-state solution involving Israel's withdrawal to something very close to the 1967 borders, with any changes to those borders reached by mutual agreement. A clever fudge is needed for Jerusalem and refugees.

But he does his case no good through strange omissions and poor wording that undermine his work. The internal divisions, corruption and disastrous leadership of the Palestinian people - especially disastrous in the long twilight of Yasser Arafat's rule - get short shrift.

The self-serving manipulation of the conflict by Arab states is similarly glossed over, as is its growing religious overlay. And, in a passage for which he has apologized, Carter says Palestinians should stop suicide bombings and terrorism "when international laws and the ultimate goals for the Roadmap for Peace are accepted by Israel."

As with President Jacques Chirac's recent gaffe on Iran, this little lapse - to be excised from future editions - seems to suggest a certain, perhaps subliminal alignment of sympathy.

The harshest debate has centered on Carter's choice of the word "apartheid," the system of institutionalized racial discrimination and persecution once used by South Africa's white minority to dominate the black majority.

Carter has defended his choice of words, saying it's meant to convey the forced separation and domination of Palestinians rather than Israeli racism. He has insisted that using "apartheid" to describe Israeli West Bank policies "should give no aid or comfort to any of those who have attempted to equate racism with Zionism."

Nice try, Jimmy. Trying to take race out of the word "apartheid" is as far- fetched as trying to take Jew out of the word "Zionism." It doesn't work.

That said, Carter is not wrong to see analogies with aspects of apartheid. Anyone visiting the West Bank, with its garrison-like Jewish settlements on hilltops connected by modern highways barred or inaccessible to donkey-riding Palestinians, can only be struck by how humiliation is now built into the very terrain.

"The West Bank has been fragmented into three areas - north (Jenin and Nablus), center (Ramallah) and south (Hebron) - which increasingly resemble the Bantustans of South Africa," John Dugard, a South African law professor who has examined conditions there for the United Nations Human Rights Council, wrote recently.

On balance, even with its failings, Carter's analysis amounts to a useful provocation to an America in which Iraq, domestic political shifts, weariness and post-9/11 taboos have all dimmed debate of Palestine. The result is what Carter calls an "immoral outcome."

In the long term, that is bad for Israel, bad for the United States and bad for Palestinians, who need to think hard about what actions and decisions would make it more feasible for America to alter course and help them.
