Israelis, Palestinians up War of Words
By The Media Line
February 14, 2008

Israeli threats to invade Gaza and target Hamas leaders in retaliation for rocket firing have elicited sharp responses from both the Palestinian Authority and Hamas.

P.A. Chairman Mahmoud 'Abbas threatened on Tuesday to announce the failure of the ongoing peace negotiations in protest at what he calls Israeli 'stubbornness', which is impeding progress in the talks, sources at his office said.

Final talks between Israel and the P.A. resumed last December following the U.S. sponsored Annapolis conference.

Meanwhile, P.A. Prime Minister Salam Faya’d, who is currently visiting the U.S., has accused Israel of doing nothing to help his government restore security and stability to the West Bank.

In a lecture at the Aspen Institute, Faya’d expressed disappointment over what he terms Israel’s failure to alleviate Palestinian suffering due to closures and checkpoints. "Israel has done nothing to help my government execute its own plans…They keep saying it’s a good idea, this plan is not bad, but practically they did the opposite."

Hamas, which remains in control of Gaza, has threatened to retaliate with maximum power if Israel kills any of its leaders.

A Hamas leader yesterday warned that captive Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit would be killed if Israel targeted the group's leaders inside or outside the coastal enclave, which it took over last June.

Following Israeli threats, Hamas is hindering an Egypt meditated swap with Israel, which according to sources within the group had recently reached its final stages.

As part of its efforts to stop the rocket fire, Israel is threatening to target Hamas leaders including deposed prime minister, Isma’il Haniyya and Damascus-based leader, Khalid Mish’al.

The Israeli cabinet also ordered the army to prepare for an all out assault on Gaza to restore stability and security on its southern borders.