More Forceful Action Needed
By The Jordan Times
March 04, 2008

It is indefensible if the UN Security Council fails to adopt an appropriate resolution on the latest Israeli violence against the Palestinians in Gaza.

As it convenes today to consider an Arab-sponsored draft resolution condemning the Israeli attacks and calling for an immediate ceasefire, the Security Council should, for once, exercise its responsibility and prerogative, and force Israel to cease its barbaric onslaught on the Palestinians.

So far the council appears paralysed, as usual, unable to take forceful measures to stop the Israeli attacks that have taken a heavy toll on Gazans.

During an emergency meeting of the council, the “deeply concerned” members stopped short of adopting a formal resolution condemning the Israeli attacks, only agreeing to a statement censoring the violence between Israel and the Palestinians.

It failed to condemn Israel for its disproportionate use of force that killed scores of Palestinians, including many children.

The Arab states asked for an emergency meeting by the council that, so far, only met behind closed doors, fearing a US veto of any meaningful decision on Gaza in a public session.

His Majesty King Abdullah recently warned in the US that if the rare opportunity for peace this year slips away, the parties and the international community may never recover such occasion. The King has also called for an immediate end to the hostilities, an injunction the UN Security Council manage to lamely just barely issue.

Israel cannot be so obtuse as not to comprehend the words of the King who told his audience at Princeton University that ultimate Israeli security and stability cannot be attained by erecting walls or making repeated incursions into Palestinian territories.

Starving the people of Gaza and imposing a blockade on them will only deepen poverty and despair, creating the perfect environment for extremism.

A genuine, fair, comprehensive peace is the only way to security and stability for all.

As tragic and terrible as the last round of violence between Israelis and Palestinians is, it must not be allowed to get out of hand and disrupt the timid peace efforts that purportedly aim to reach an accord this year.

Extremists on both sides seem bent on thwarting all attempts at seeing a breakthrough on the peace front.

The Security Council must assert its power, if it still has any, and officially order an immediate stop to the carnage in Gaza.

When the pain will be somehow dulled, the thought of two states side by side and at peace should spur the parties to renew efforts to see this goal through.