Minister (of Interior) Al Yahya and General Dayton Inspect Palestinian Security Training at the International Centre Near Amman and Witness a Field Exercise with Weapons and Live Ammunition
By Amman – Abdulla Al Qaq
March 25, 2008

The Minster of Interior Abdul Razzaq Al Yahya and the American General Dayton inspected the almost 1000 members of the Palestinian Police (National Security Force) and the Presidential Guard battalions that are currently training at the Jordanian International Police Training Center (JIPTC). Their training includes security apparatus, human rights, riot control and civil disturbance.

Minister Al Yahya and General Dayton expressed satisfaction with this advanced training that is under American supervision and was developed to aid the security apparatus in the West Bank and to provide law and order throughout.

Al-Quds was the only Arabic newspaper to take part in this demonstration where the Center’sAdjutant Colonel Abdurahman Hasan Abdul Qader presented a synopsis

on the training process in different fields and emphasized the importance of the Center and its role in providing the needed training for developing the policing services and functions that have garnered much Arab and international interest.

General Dayton said in his remarks to Al-Quds: “We are happy with the training of this battalion (National Security Force) and the Presidential Guard in this important center to which I wish great success. Also, on behalf of the United States of America, I would like to thank King Abdullah the Second for his cooperation and great support for these efforts and on his leadership position in the peace process. The United States will do its best in working towards peace in the area and to the establishment of the Palestinian State.”

The Minister of Interior (MOI) Al-Yahya said that training our security forces on different levels, be it in the field, on legal, professional, research, or on academically advanced security levels is very important.. He also said that with the help of General Dayton we are qualifying the Palestinian Security Forces to perform its mission in providing security and protecting the citizens’ rights. And that there will be other battalions that will be trained at this center in the future with the goal of providing law and order in the Palestinian Territories along with protecting the Palestinian Security Project.

Al-Quds observed the exercises with live weapons and big explosions that were heard throughout the Center and was told by American ,Jordanian officers and Palestinian security officers that it has achieved its objectives by all measures.

Lieutenant Colonel (LCol) Sa’eed Annajar, the battalion supervisor, said that the members get trained from 0700 hrs (7:00 a.m.) to 1800 hrs (6:00 p.m.) to be qualified for providing security and safety to the nation and the citizens and to obey orders; not as a suppression force since our aim is to protect the Palestinian Security Project which aims to establish a Palestinian State with Al-Quds Al-Sharif as its capital.

He, also, said that we abide by all the international treaties, and that in all our ranks we represent the Palestinian Authority without any political affiliation.

LCol Annajar added that our goal is servicing the Palestinian citizen and that’s why we are training these brothers and this security force will be distributed throughout the Palestinian Territories according to our commands orders.

During the live exercise that was attended by many of the Center’s specialized and Palestinian training officers, General Dayton gave a speech in which he said: “I am proud of you brave men. You are doing a good job for your country Palestine, and I say that you look even stronger, prouder and braver than when I last saw you - and that’s because of your desire to train to safeguard your country.” He added: “I met NSF Commander Major General Abu El-Fateh yesterday, and he sent his regards and congratulations.”

General Dayton also said that when I talk about national heroes that are dedicated to their cause, I think of Minister Al Yahya who, through his work and persistence to advance his country, represents the national willingness to keep safety and security. He added that the training is a partnership between the Palestinian Authority, United States of America and the Kingdom of Jordan to train the security elements on all aspects of policing, and I would like to thank King Abdullah the Second, King of Jordan for supporting this training to graduate Palestinian elements trained and qualified on all types of policing services.

General Dayton continued saying: “You have completed 50 percent of your training and you are now on the way home stage and will soon see your family and country. Know that the United States of America is sincere in the peace process and in establishing a Palestinian State. And I would like to inform you that before returning home you should stick to the principles that will serve the Palestinian People, which are duty, integrity, respect and loyalty towards your country and your people and not towards a specific political party.”

The Palestinian Minster of Interior said in this speech: “Friend Dayton, Palestinian National Security members, I come to you bearing the Palestinian Authority’s great admiration and regard for this wonderful and spectacular training which is aimed at enforcing Palestinian National Security with the help of elite forces to protect their country and to keep law and order in Palestine.

You (trainees) are training on weapons to do your best job in protecting civilian’s rights and property; and this requires all of us to contribute in building the confidence and the feeling of pride in doing our national job in preparation for the establishment of the State of Palestine with Al-Quds Al-Sharif as its capital.

It’s true that we have hurdles and economic obstacles including the Israeli occupation. We must push to work to build our country and to provide security to one and all. We, in the West Bank, are working on eliminating smuggling gangs, murders and terrorism, and we will not stop short of doing our job and achieving our national objectives in protecting our people and Palestinian National project.”

Minister Al Yahya encouraged the trainees to work whole heartedly by saying: “What is needed is that you give your all to absorb as much as you can from this training so that you can contribute in building your country. There is no place for hesitation or fear, and we all know the facts that there is occupation, but yours is not to face that but to provide security within the Palestinian community. Providing security in Palestine will lead to the rejuvenation of the economy and the education system, because our goal is to build our country and so we have to work hard with plenty of patience, during this sensitive time.

With our National Security Force, we want to reach a well trained level with good planning because we need you in the building process, since we face the occupation that keeps putting obstacles in our way. Much is required of you to keep the security of this country and for its advancement and prosperity.” He then said: “Since the beginning of this year, we have started restructuring the Ministry of Interior, and we’ll keep working on that project to attain its comprehensive picture that will go hand in hand with this training and our future plans for building the Palestinian State.”

Minister Al Yahya finished his speech saying: “I thank General Dayton for his big role in this assistance and I would like to praise King Abdullah the Second for his support to the Palestinian Authority and the Palestinian people and for his role in training our sons and brothers in the Center, and I wish you success.”

Jordanian, Palestinian and American flags were raised all around the Center that was equipped with the latest technological equipment to train the Palestinian Security apparatus and others by the hands of professional Jordanian officers that participated in many Arabic and international security, policing and human rights courses.