What Goes Around, Comes Around
By Mitri I. Musleh
April 02, 2008

As events in the Middle East unfold pointing to the eminent failure of peace talks between the Palestinians and the Israelis,more and more intellectuals, scholars, politicians and common people, look into the future as they search for a permanent and peaceful resolution to the existing conditions that sadly affect the innocent and helpless in Israel and Palestine.

On Sunday, March 20, 2008, the Arab Summit, once again, offered its commitment to peace in the region. The Arab countries renewed their previous offer to normalize relations with Israel. All Israel has to do is withdraw its forces from all Arab land they illegally occupied in 1967.

Unfortunately, Israel continues with its military aggression against the young and the restless within the Palestinian population in Gaza. Also, Israel is turning a blind eye to all offers of peace and security. If Israel can fool one or more people sometimes, can Israel fool all the people all the time? How long can Israel maintain turning a deaf ear to the cries of the people for justice and freedom?

Israel prides itself of being a Jewish State and yet, Israel has had an increasing number of Palestinians living as citizens of Israel. In 1948, when Israel was established as a state, it had about 150,000 Palestinians whom and regardless of the constant Israeli threats and murderous acts, decided, unlike the many others who became refugees, not to leave their homes and endured Israeli humiliation and discrimination. Today and sixty years after the establishment of the State of Israel, there are more than one million Palestinian living in Israel. This large number of Palestinians prides itself of being Palestinians nationalist and Israeli citizens. Today, those Palestinians are lawyers, physicians, teachers, social workers, engineers, politicians etc.

In addition to this large Palestinian-Israeli presence in Israel, there are some three million Palestinians living under Israeli occupation in the West Bank and Gaza Strip. Those Palestinians are an integral part of the Israeli society and are a force to be contended with. The irony of this situation lends itself to the fact that in spite of the new born generations of Palestinian Israelis, they are all Palestinian nationals living as citizens of a hostile state Israel which illegally occupies their motherland Palestine and is oppressing their fellow Palestinians. Granted, the Palestinians are divided today.

Israel is protected and nurtured by the United States of America. Israel is the strongest country in the Middle East and can turn its nose to anything and everything that is not to its liking. Israel is the only democratic entity in the region and enjoys the full support of most of the Jewish people of the Western World. How long can Israel maintain this status of dominance?

History bore witness to strong empires that dominated the known world of their time. Each empire ruled the world for many years. The Turkish occupation of the Arab World lasted for some 500 years. The Arab domination of Spain lasted some 800 years. Then there was the Roman domination, the Greek and the Crusaders. The European countries dominated the world in the nineteenth century. How long can the Israeli occupation of Palestine last? A hundred years, or may be five hundred years? It may last past my life span and more but, the day will come when Israel could loose its American and Western support and find itself face to face with stronger, united and more powerful Arab countries. Maybe then, Israel will learn that what goes around comes around.
