Rest in Peace, Mr. Timothy Rothermel, Palestine Will Miss You
February 08, 2012

MIFTAH would like to offer its deepest condolences on the passing of former UNDP representative Mr. Timothy Rothermel, who passed away on February 6, 2012. Mr. Rothermel worked tirelessly for and alongside the Palestinian people for 30 years. While Rothermel was the Special Representative for UNDP over the past nine years, his history with the Palestinians goes back much farther with one of his lifelong achievements of creating PAPP, the Program of Assistance to the Palestinian People. Since then, Rothermel has had a lifelong relationship with Palestine and its people, who during his life and now after his passing, have shown a mutual love.

To those who knew him, Mr. Rothermel was humble, dedicated and sincere. He believed in the Palestinian people, their potentials, their skills and their determination and he showed this through his unrelenting efforts to develop and empower their society. He touched countless people with his generosity and commitment and will undoubtedly be remembered with the utmost respect and admiration. Mr. Rothermel, may you rest in peace. Your dedication to Palestine and its people will have a lasting effect on us all. We will miss you.