New Wall to be Erected Near Salfit
June 14, 2004

Despite several promises and deals to America, Israeli Defense Ministry officials sent Palestinian residents of Salfit, a town located 15 miles southeast of the West Bank city of Nablus, preliminary orders for land confiscation where the Wall will be built.

Although American officials originally demanded that Israel abandon its plans for the Wall separating West Bank cities from each other, at least for the time being, an agreement was reached in which the barrier would be disjointedly erected east of Ariel, Kedumim and Immanuel Jewish settlements, and a year after connected to the Green Line.

Meanwhile, Sharon promised his Finance Minister Benjamin Netanyahu that the planned Wall near Nablus will be finished before Gaza’s withdrawal is fully implemented.

About two weeks ago, Israeli officials met with delegates from the PNA to present them with the land confiscation orders, along with the precise area in which the Wall – purported to be 3.5 kilometers long, and 100 meters wide - will be erected, running between Salfit and the Jewish settlement of Ariel.

The confiscation orders will be fully distributed in the few coming weeks, paving the way for the Wall to “snake through” the heart of the West Bank.

Dozens of Palestinian towns and villages will be affected by the construction of this Wall, from being locked in enclaves to being deprived of their livelihood.

“The fence will promote development of the settlements, whereas it will cut off and destroy life in local Palestinian villages, whose residents will become hostages." Nawaf Suf, a PA liaison official from Salfit said.