Poll # 150 Duties or Policies the Palestinians Demand from Hamas
Poll No.150 Dear Madam, Dear Sir, It's our pleasure to contact you today on the 12th anniversary of the foundation of our polling and research center, the Palestinian Center for Public Opinion, by sending to you the results of our poll no. 150. The target of this present poll is to examine the Palestinian public opinion for a set of burning key issues, especially after the victory of Hamas in the last legislative elections. It is pressing to know which issues, duties or policies the Palestinians demand from Hamas to implement in the coming few weeks. It is furthermore important to know the people's attitude towards the extension of the constitutional competencies and jurisdictions of the PA-President, Mr. Mahmoud Abbas, and the grade of his popularity, and the possible participation of Fateh in the coming government with Hamas. Last but not least, this poll examined the behaviour of the Palestinian voter in the light of the discrepancy between the forecast poll results and the real outcome of the elections. We in the PCPO do believe that we have made with this poll a further step towards the democratization of the Palestinian society, and a further step also, so tiny it may be, towards the achievement of peace in our region. If you wish to view the whole poll results, so all you need is to revert to our website: www.pcpo.ps Please feel quite free to contact us immediately if you have any questions or inquiry on any issue of this poll. With our good wishes and best regards, Dr. Nabil Kukali, Director of PCPO In a recent study on the Palestinian public opinion prepared by Dr. Nabil Kukali
Beit Sahour: Information Section For the latest poll prepared by Dr. Nabil Kukali, conducted and published by the Palestinian Center for Public Opinion (PCPO) during the period from February 16 – 20, 2006, a random sample of (1003) Palestinian adults over 18 years old representing the different demographic specimen of the people living in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, and Gaza Strip was interviewed. The poll results have shown that the majority of the Palestinian people is in favour of the participation of Fateh in a government of a national unity with Hamas. Dr. Nabil Kukali, the director of PCPO, said the most important findings of the poll is that the majority of the Palestinians is in favour of granting the PA President broader constitutional competencies and added that (54.9%) believe that the condition of the Palestinian society after the victory of Hamas in the legislative elections will become better than at present. Dr. Kukali further pointed out that (41.5%) of the Palestinians (54.7% in Gaza Strip and 39.4% in the West Bank) are of the opinion that Mr. Ismael Haniyyeh is the best personality to lead the coming Palestinian government. The first task the Palestinian people unanimously demand from Hamas is the improvement of the economic condition and the abatement of the rate of unemployment, Dr. Kukali said. This is followed in the rank of importance by: combating the corruption, enforcing reforms and changes to the governmental performance, putting an end to the phenomenon of lawlessness, prevalence of security and safety, collection of the unlicensed weapons, imposition of the sovereignty of the law, the continuation of the ceasefire with Israel, resumption of the peace process and the halt of firing Al-Qassam rockets from Gaza, he added. Dr. Kukali further indicated that (83.3%) of the Palestinians (89.8% in Gaza and 79.8% in the West Bank) oppose to various extents the waiver of the right of home-return and its substitution by the financial compensation of the refugees instead, and added that the majority of the Palestinian people oppose the phenomenon of abduction of foreigners and the attack on the offices of the Temporary International Presence in Hebron (TIPH) and on the residences of the European Union in Gaza in the background of the abuse of prophet Mohammed by Danish media. Dr. Kukali explained that the discrepancy arising between the forecast polling results and the outcome of the legislative elections is attributable to a series of factors, the most important of which in the rank of their substance are as follows: (a) the voters didn't tell the truth about their real intentions for whom they are voting when asked about that by the interviewers; (b) the intention of the voters to cast their votes against Fateh for Hamas, however not for other minor lists, and (c) the change of the voters' mind in the last minute before balloting. "The findings of this present poll came to explain the discrepancy between the results of the poll conducted before January 25th, 2006 and the real outcome of the elections, namely (14.0%) of the voters changed their mind when voting for the national lists and (17.2%) did the same when voting for the candidates of the electoral districts", Dr. Kukali remarked. These rates of "changing one's mind in the last minute" were in the West Bank with 19.3% at the level of the electoral districts much higher than in Gaza with only (4.2%); and the rate at the level of the national lists reached in the West Bank (23.1%) against (5.9%) in Gaza Strip, he added. In conclusion, the results of the poll show clearly that a considerable rate of the Palestinian people, namely (69.6%) still trusts to various degrees the local polls. To View the Full Result as PDF (232 KB)
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