In the name of God, the Compassionate and the Merciful, "Abide by the decree of God and never disperse" (a verse from the Holy Quran) …towards safeguarding the accomplishments of our people throughout this long struggle and out of loyalty to our martyrs, prisoners and our injured and given that we are still in the a phase of liberation, this necessitates that we formulate a political strategy. Therefore, with the goal of making our comprehensive national dialogue a success, based on the Cairo Declaration and coupled with the urgent need for unity and solidarity, we put forth this document (the national conciliation document) to our people, President Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen), the PLO leadership, Prime Minister Ismail Hanieh, the Council of Ministers, the Speaker and members of the PNC, the Speaker and members of the PLC, all Palestinian forces and factions, all nongovernmental and popular organizations and institutions and to the popular leadership of the Palestinians in the homeland and in the Diaspora. This document is being put forth as a complete package, with the hope that it will get the support and approval of everyone and that it can contribute to reaching a Palestinian national conciliation document.
Signed by:
FATEH – PLC member Marwan Barghouthi, FATEH Secretary Note: Islamic Jihad expressed reservations on the item pertaining to the negotiations
By: UN Women
Date: 09/03/2019
By: Dr. Riyad Mansour
Date: 08/11/2017
By: Palestinian Women Coalition of UNSCR 1325
Date: 20/10/2016