Wednesday, 18 September. 2024
Your Key to Palestine
The Palestinian Initiatives for The Promotoion of Global Dialogue and Democracy

After reversing courses on deferral of the Goldstone Report, the UN Human Rights Council held a special session in Geneva on October 16, voting to endorse the report on Israel's war on Gaza. The report accuses the Israeli military of using disproportionate force as well as laying charges of war crimes and possibly crimes against humanity on Israeli occupation forces and Hamas. The council's resolution adopting the report was passed by 25 votes to six with eleven countries abstaining.

The inquiry, lead by Justice Richard Goldstone, calls on Ban Ki-moon, the UN Secretary-General, to monitor whether Israel and Hamas conduct credible investigations into the conflict which took place last winter. Should the two sides fail to do so, it calls on the UN Security Council to refer the allegations to the International Criminal Court.

Leaders of Palestinian political factions celebrated the vote with Palestinian National Initiative (PNI) Secretary General Mustafa Barghouthi describing the majority vote on Goldstone’s report as “a victory to the Palestinians and to the families of the victims of Israeli war crimes in Gaza.” Palestinian UN delegate Ibrahim Khreisheh said during the session that "Israel denies Palestinians basic human rights and this issue cannot be compromised."

In addition to endorsing the report, the resolution "strongly condemns all policies and measures taken by Israel, the occupying power, including those limiting access of Palestinians to their properties and holy sites.” It also calls on Israel to stop digging and excavation work around the Al-Aqsa Mosque in occupied east Jerusalem as well as other Islamic and Christian religious sites.

On October 15, the Hamas-run de facto Foreign Ministry in Gaza expressed its willingness to conduct investigations saying, "Although we do not agree with certain aspects of his report, we intend to act on his recommendation and to carry out our own investigation into any alleged crimes committed by members of the resistant movements in Gaza."

Earlier in the week Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu vowed that Israeli soldiers and leaders would never stand trial for war crimes allegedly committed during Operation Cast Lead. The Israeli Foreign Ministry issued an official response to the UN vote, saying that "Israel will continue to exercise its right to self-defense and to preserve the security of its citizens." Continuing, the ministry stated "that the decision harms efforts to protect human rights in accordance with international law and hinders efforts to promote the peace process as well as encouraging terror organizations around the world."

Also on October 15 Egyptian actor Mahmoud Qabeel and US actress Mia Farrow visited Gaza as ambassadors of the United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund (UNICEF). They denounced the Israeli blockade on the Palestinian Gaza Strip after visiting the coastal enclave.

Qabeel said on the final day of the visit at a press conference that the closure on Gaza was "unprecedented in the 21st century." Qabeel affirmed that he will bring "the Palestinian suffering in the Gaza Strip, the West Bank and Jerusalem to the world," adding that the Palestinian children must "have the same rights as all children."

For her part, Farrow said, "The children appear traumatized. Teachers told me that the children look to the sky and cry and weep when they hear loud noises. They don't know what the future holds. They deserve better." Farrow concluded, "Gaza has become synonymous with suffering. The international community can only feel shame."

On October 14 the Palestinian Authority decided to sign the Egyptian-backed deal for reconciliation, while Hamas hinted all week they would accept the agreement. Hamas officially announced on October 17 that it was ready to accept the national reconciliation agreement, which it said was scheduled to be signed on 26 October.

Ahmad Yousef, a senior Hamas official said that, "From the beginning, Hamas never objected to the Egyptian proposal, but needed time to clarify a few points, particularly the conditions placed by the Quartet," referring to international demands that Hamas recognize Israel, renounce violence and accept previously signed agreements before being allowed to participate in negotiations.

Meanwhile the U.S. reiterated the day before the PA signed the deal that all Quartet demands must remain in place for dealing with any Palestinian national unity government.

In other news, President Mahmoud Abbas laid the cornerstone for a new housing development near the West Bank city of Jenin. The development is being financed by the Palestine Investment Fund and will include approximately 1,000 residential units. The new neighborhood, called Al Jinan is being billed as a “new Palestinian city.”

The development is the second project launched by the Ammar Group, the real estate component of the PIF. The first project began earlier this year on the Ar Rihan development, north of the city of Ramallah, and is said to be the first “new Palestinian town” since Israel occupied the West Bank in 1967.

The Chairman of the PIF board Mustafa Muhammad said in a statement, “Three months ago, we laid the cornerstone of the Al-Rihan neighborhood in Ramallah. At that time we promised to carry out vital and pioneering projects in the Palestinian cities. Today we are fulfilling our commitment here in Jenin.”

On October 12, a teenager from Beit Ummar, near Hebron in the southern West Bank died from a gunshot wound to the head he received during clashes between Palestinian youths and Israeli forces on March 4. The deceased was identified by sources at Al-Ahli Hospital in Hebron as 17-year-old Mahdi Abu Ayyash.

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