Tuesday, 21 January. 2025
Your Key to Palestine
The Palestinian Initiatives for The Promotoion of Global Dialogue and Democracy

Near East Consulting (NEC) most recent survey about Al Jazeera leaks pertaining to the Palestinian-Israeli negotiations shows that 99% of the Palestinians heard about the leaks that released by Al Jazeera channel. The leaks released, by Qatar-based Al-Jazeera of what it, calls “The Palestine Papers” have raised more questions about the peace process, and the possibility of future negotiations with Israel.

The survey, conducted immediately after Al-Jazeera broke the news about the positions of the Palestinian negotiators on the issues of refugees, security, and Jerusalem, was carried on a random sample of 897 Palestinians over the age of 18 from both sexes, in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, including East Jerusalem. The margin of error is +/-3.4% and the confidence level is 95%.

The results show that 68% of the Palestinians do not believe these leaks (71% in the West Bank versus 64% in the Gaza Strip), and 88% think the leaks serve the Israeli interests. Only 5% said the PA is the party benefiting from publishing these leaks while 7% said that they serve no one.

The results also show that the majority of Hamas supporters believe that Al Jazeera leaks are correct whereas the majority of Fateh supporters think that they are fabricated. Still both Fateh and Hamas supporters agree that these leaks serve only the Israeli interests.

In addition, the results show that 64% of the surveyed population considered Al Jazeera as non-neutral in dealing with the leaks, compared with 36% who said that Al Jazeera was neutral.

In response to the question about where Al Jazeera’s sympathies lie, the results demonstrated that 62% of the respondents think that Al Jazeera is sympathetic with the Hamas government, 5% said it is sympathetic with Ramallah government, and 33% see that Al Jazeera as being objective.

Moreover, 59% of the Palestinians consider the leaks as merely negotiations tactics, while 19% said that the leaks showed real concessions on Jerusalem and refugees, and 22% stated other reasons.

In their attitude about whether the leaks of Al-Jazeera will lead to internal conflict, 83% agree that these leaks will lead to internal conflict, compared with 17% said it will have no impact at all.

In order to see the position of Al Jazeera with respect to the Palestinian public, NEC asked a question about the most trusted TV channel, 23% of the respondents gave their trust to Al Jazeera, compared to 45% in NEC’s October 2010 survey. The results also show that 26% trust Palestine TV, 20% trust Al-Arabiyah, 3% trust Al Aqsa TV, 2% said Al Manar TV station, 2% for BBC, 1% for CNN, and 5% trust other Arab stations, and 15% trust no station.

By the Same Author
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