Thursday, 19 September. 2024
Your Key to Palestine
The Palestinian Initiatives for The Promotoion of Global Dialogue and Democracy


  • The majority of Palestinians (55 percent) are optimistic about the future.
  • A plurality of Palestinians (45 percent) believes the economic welfare of their families has worsened in the past year, while 37 percent believe security in their region has diminished.
  • 80 percent of Palestinians believe the PA is serious about the negotiations, though only 20 percent say the same of Israel.
  • The majority of Palestinians (54 percent) do not believe negotiations will produce positive results, while an additional 57 percent report having less hope in the peace process than a year ago. Still, 54 percent of Palestinians express support for current negotiations with Israel.
  • A plurality of respondents (32 percent) believes the failure of negotiations will not produce any significant changes.
  • Overall, 58 percent of Palestinians support non-violent means to end the occupation. While 47 percent of Gaza respondents believe armed resistance is the best method of achieving independence, West Bank respondents are split between negotiations, direct or through the UN (32 percent); armed resistance (30 percent); and non-violent protest (27 percent).
  • The majority of Palestinians (60 percent) believe a third intifada is possible in the near future, though only 29 percent would support such an event.


AWRAD recently completed a national opinion poll in which 1,200 Palestinians were surveyed in the West Bank and Gaza Strip. This current press release is one in a series highlighting findings on the following issues: the peace process and current negotiations, reconciliation, government performance, elections, and various other current events. The focus of this specific release is negotiations and the peace process, as well as overall conditions.

To View the Full Result as PDF

By the Same Author
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