Thursday, 19 September. 2024
Your Key to Palestine
The Palestinian Initiatives for The Promotoion of Global Dialogue and Democracy

Ramallah – “This was one of the most important training courses we have ever attended. It was extremely high-caliber in terms of information, analysis and evidences,” said Rima Nazzal, a women’s activist and leader and member of GUPW's Board of Trustees. The training workshop was organized by The Palestinian Initiative for the Promotion of Global Dialogue and Democracy (MIFTAH) in close coordination with GUPW. It focused on the processes of monitoring and documenting violations against Palestinian women, as part of its “Institutionalizing UNSC Resolution 1325 to promote peace and security agenda for Palestinian women”. The project is being implemented by MIFTAH with support from OXFAM-Novib and the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights.

A qualified team

Nazzal says the training material was not the only unique part of the experience, but the trainers and the team were highly qualified and had extensive knowledge about international mechanisms for documentation and monitoring. Still, Nazzal says, three days of training are not enough to fully understand all of the subjects at hand. “We need to delve deeper into this area so we can have a better understanding, because documentation and monitoring is a vast area,” she says. “We need another training session for the same group towards realizing our goal as a women’s coalition to implement Resolution 1325 to the Palestinian case.”

The end result, she maintains, will be a qualified and strong cadre to achieve this purpose. This requires more training and more surveys on women’s issues through utilizing specialized questionnaires to monitor violations against women. They have already developed six, Nazzal says.

The next step

The most important next step for the trainees, concludes Nazzal, "the experience was important, the sample selected for the training meets the required standards, which requires them now to know more about arrangements in terms of advocacy and women's role in peacemaking".

Rafeef Mujahid: Empowering women in monitoring and documentation

Human rights officer at OHCHR Rafeef Mujahid says their focus is for Palestinian women to gain the necessary means of monitoring and documenting violations against Palestinian women, whether on the part of Israel or the Palestinians. This, she says is especially relevant since the training beneficiaries are members of the GUPW, who have a key role in institutionalizing Resolution 1325. “Based on this, our role is to enable them to document violations based on Security Council Resolutions, which provide tools of accountability, namely Resolution 2122, and linking it to CEDAW and General Recommendation 30,” Mujahid says, adding that the OHCHR trainers are very capable in documenting violations and working in the field.

Mujahid goes on to say that what made the training so unique was the fact it was given by qualified people in the field who have received outside training. The second unique aspect was the quality of the trainees and their role in documenting violations. “They showed a lot of interest,” she says. “Now they need more training to further their information and broaden their knowledge on human rights,” Mujahid maintained.


Project director at MIFTAH Najwa Yaghi said the training, in which tens of GUPW members from the various West Bank and Jerusalem branches participated, aimed at building the capacities of GUPW representatives so they can monitor and document human rights violations in accordance to UN standards. It was also aimed at enabling GUPW, which heads the 1325 National Coalition in Palestine, to begin monitoring and documenting these human rights violations against women and girls in accordance with the resolution and other resolutions pertaining to advancing women's peace and security agenda, including Resolution 2122.

During the opening of the three-day training sessions, which was attended by GUPW, MIFTAH, and OHCHR, GUPW President and head of 1325 National Coalition, Ms. Intisar Al-Wazir acknowledged MIFTAH’s initiative, encouraging and confirming the importance of the process of documenting violations against Palestinian women and girls given its importance in promoting accountability and exposing crimes in local, regional and international forums.

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