Tuesday, 22 October. 2024
Your Key to Palestine
The Palestinian Initiatives for The Promotoion of Global Dialogue and Democracy

The Israelian crimes against Palestinian children are condemned. The Israeli occupation authorities continue their violations against Palestinian children represented in arresting and abusing them during the arrest process without respecting the child’s protection treaties and the Convention on the Rights of the Child . These crimes are carried out under displacement, murder and intimidation. the highest percentage was after April/October (119), and at the end of October there are 160 children distributed in Megiddo Ofer Damon prison of them About (4) children in administrative detention and (12) children under (12) years old are also detained . According to the testimonies provided by the prisoners and the reports issued by the prisoners’ institutions, they are subjected to the cruelty to which adult prisoners are subjected to torture, unfair trials and inhumane treatment that violates their basic rights and threatens their future is lost. This is against the terms of the Child Agreement ،especially Article 16, which states:

No arbitrary or unlawful interference with a child's private life, family, home, or correspondence, or any lawful prejudice to his honor or reputation.

Which also states:

“The child has the right to be protected by law from this exposure and prejudice.” The occupation does not take into account the young age of children when they are brought to court, and a special court is not formed for them, and the age of the child is set for less than (16) years based on Military Order No. (132). this is a clear violation of Article No. (1) of the Child Convention, which defines a child as “every human being under the age of eighteen.”

The Israeli occupation authorities deprive the child prisoners of the most basic rights granted to them by international conventions that they are entitled to regardless of their religion, nationality. These include the right not to be subjected to arbitrary arrest .it includes:

  • The right to know the reason for the arrest.
  • The right to obtain a lawyer.
  • The family’s right to know the reason for the arrest, and the location of the arrest.
  • The right to appear before a judge.
  • The right to object and challenge the accusation.
  • The right to communicate with the outside world.
  • The right to humane treatment that preserves the dignity of the detained child.

Child prisoners in Israeli prisons suffer from harsh and inhumane conditions of detention that lack international standards for children's rights. The prisoners suffer from lack of food and poor quality, lack of hygiene, and the spread of insects Child prisoners are deprived of health care and appropriate medical treatment, and painkillers are usually the treatment for various types of diseases. According to the testimonies of child prisoners, the prison administration refuses to transfer patients from them to prison clinics, and if they transfer them, they are subjected to beatings, insults, and harassment, even from doctors and nurses. Likewise, there is no permanent doctor available in the prison clinic. The occupation is still procrastinating and sometimes refusing to perform surgeries on children who need immediate operations, and this is contrary to international laws that explicitly stipulate the need for medical care for prisoners. Articles (91-92) of the Fourth Geneva Convention stated: “Every prisoner must have a clinic". An event supervised by a qualified doctor, and that the detainees receive the medical care they need, as well as the installation of any medical devices necessary to maintain their health in good condition, free of charge. Free medical examinations must be conducted for the detainees at least once a month, and their purpose is to monitor the health and psychological condition, general nutrition, and hygiene, as well as the detection of infectious diseases. Israeli prisons do not comply with this.

And if we examine the sentences issued unjustly and aggressively, we find that they are high, as one child was sentenced to life imprisonment, three children were sentenced to 15 years in prison, and four other children were sentenced between 5 and 9 years, and often the verdict is accompanied by financial fines (1000-6000 shekels).

The Israeli occupation state is the only country in the world that tries children before military courts. Based on the foregoing, we, the undersigned organizations, demand:

First: The international community to put pressure on the Israeli occupation state and oblige it to implement international agreements on prisoners and detainees, especially child prisoners, and to work for their release.

Second: All international human rights organizations, especially those working in the field of children, such as UNICEF & Dcl, to launch an international campaign to shed light on the suffering of child prisoners in Israeli prisons, and to work for their release.

The signatories to the statement

  1. Tunisian General Labor Union
  2. Coordination for Maghreb Human Rights Organizations (include 26 HR organizations from Morocco, Mauretania, Algeria, Tunisia and Libya)
  3. The Moroccan Coalition for Human Rights Bodies (includes 23 Moroccan human rights organizations)
  4. Sudanese Women's Union
  5. The Jordan Federation of the independent Trade Unions
  6. Union of Palestinian Working Women's Committees
  7. Tunisian Coalition Against the Death Penalty
  8. The Human Rights Coalition to Stop the Aggression, Lift the Siege, and Build Peace in Yemen (includes 10 organizations from ten Arab countries)
  9. Egyptian Coalition for Child Rights (includes 100 institutions)
  10. The National Coalition of Civil Society Organizations in Yemen
  11. The Coalition for Integrity and Accountability (AMAN)/Palestine
  12. The Palestinian Doctors Association in Europe
  13. The Academic Assembly for the support of Palestine-Lebanon
  14. Women’s Cultural Assembly for Democracy / Iraq
  15. Cultural Rally for Democracy / Iraq
  16. NGOs Platform (Tajamoh)(includes 50 organizations)/Lebanon
  17. Syrian Coalition Against the Death Penalty (SCODP)
  18. Iraqi Coalition Against the Death Penalty
  19. The Iraqi Alliance for Human Rights Organizations (includes 55 organizations)
  20. The Arab Coalition against the Death Penalty (includes 9 coalitions in 8 countries)
  21. Syrian Feminist Alliance to activate Security Council Resolution 1325
  22. Yemeni Coalition Against the Death Penalty
  23. Acting for change and democracy in Algeria (ACDA)
  24. The Moroccan Front in Support of Palestine and Against Normalization(18 organizations(
  25. Ibn Rushd Association for Development and Democracy / Iraq
  26. The Jordan Society for Human Rights
  27. Bahrain Human Rights Society
  28. Baraem Association for Social Work/Lebanon
  29. The Palestinian National Heritage Society in Lebanon
  30. Civil Solidarity Association / Tunis
  31. Lebanese Palestinian Communication Association
  32. Tunisian Association for the Defense of Individual Liberties
  33. Tunisian Association of Democratic Women
  34. l'Association des tunisiens en France
  35. Alrowwad Cultural and Arts Society- Aida refugee camp-Bethlehem -Palestine
  36. Oak Society/Jordan
  37. Working Women's Association/Jordan
  38. Association of the International Cultural Network for Palestine
  39. Palestinian Diaspora Association / Sweden
  40. Palestinian Martyr Association / Lebanon
  41. Palestinian Society for Social Communication Ajyal/Lebanon
  42. Al-Quds Cultural and Social Association / Lebanon
  43. Lebanese Association for Boycott Support
  44. Lebanese Association of Democratic Jurists
  45. Palestinian Working Woman Society for Development PWWSD”
  46. Women’s Association for Women’s Development and Development/ Yemen
  47. Association for the Development Center for Palestinian Women / Palestine
  48. Moroccan Association in France
  49. Moroccan Association for Human Rights
  50. The Moroccan Association for Women Progressive
  51. Moroccan Association for the Elimination of Violence against Women
  52. University Cultural Forum Association / Lebanon
  53. Association of the Economic and Social Forum for Women / Jordan
  54. Mauritanian Association for the Promotion of Rights
  55. Mauritanian Association for Human Rights
  56. Arab Women Organization-Jordan
  57. I am a Human Soceity for Rights of Persons with Disability
  58. Rural Women Development Association / Palestine
  59. Jothor Society for Human Rights-Jordan
  60. Citizenship Bridges Association/Tunisia
  61. Rasid Association for Human Rights/ Lebanon
  62. Roaa Women Association-Jordan
  63. Women's Network Society for Women Support/ Jordan
  64. Chamoua Association for Equality/Morocco
  65. Association of the Jordanian Women's Solidarity Institute
  66. Orient Forum Association for Freedom and Peace
  67. Amman Forum for Human Rights Association/Jordan
  68. Women's Association for Jerusalem / Lebanon
  69. Protecting human rights defenders around the Arab world/ France
  70. The International Campaign to End the Siege on Yemen
  71. Boycott campaign / Palestine
  72. Tunisian League for Tolerance
  73. The Algerian League for Defense Human Rights
  74. Association of Women Heads of Families from Mauritania
  75. Iraqi League for Human Rights Trainers
  76. Freedom Pioneers for Integrity and Human Rights Training / Jordan
  77. The Jordanian Network for Human Rights (includes 11 human rights organizations)
  78. The Moroccan Democratic Network for Solidarity with the Peoples(includes 38 Commission)
  79. The Arab Human Rights Trainers Network
  80. Women’s Peace and Security Network (Yemen)
  81. Volunteers Network for Development and Human Rights/Egypt
  82. The Syrian National Network for Civil Peace and Community Safety.
  83. Moroccan space for human rights
  84. Filastiniyat / Palestine
  85. Federation of Tunisians for citizenship between the two banks
  86. The Syrian Federation of Human Rights Organizations and Bodies
  87. Moroccan Federation for Human Rights
  88. Committees for the Defense of Democratic Freedoms and Human Rights in Syria (LDH)
  89. Work committees in the camps / Lebanon
  90. Committee on Public Liberties and Human Rights / Palestinian Bar Association
  91. Syrian Medical Committee/Paris
  92. Arab Commission for Human Rights
  93. The Kurdish Committee for Human Rights in Syria (Al Rased).
  94. The Committee for the Respect of Freedoms and Human Rights in Tunisia
  95. European initiative for the rights of Palestinian prisoners / the Netherlands
  96. Palestinian Initiative to Deepen Global Dialogue and Democracy-MIFTAH
  97. Egyptian Women Lawyers Initiative
  98. World Council for Rights and Freedoms
  99. Council on International Relations / Palestine
  100. Lawyers for Justice /Yemen
  101. Lawyers Without Borders/Yemen
  102. Democratic School/Yemen
  103. International Observatory for Documentation of Human Rights Violations/ Argentina
  104. The Arab Observatory for Human Rights and Citizenship/ Lebanon
  105. French Observatory for Human Rights/Paris
  106. Human Rights & Democracy Media Center “SHAMS"/Palestine
  107. Africa Center for Studies and Media Services / Mauritania
  108. Bahrain Center Against Torture / Bahrain
  109. Al-Badeel Center for Studies and Research/Jordan
  110. Arab House Center for Research and Studies/Egypt
  111. Women’s Studies Center/ Palestine
  112. Center for the Defense of Freedoms and Civil Rights "Hurriyat" / Palestine
  113. The Palestinian Center for the Independence of the Judiciary and Advocates "Musawa"
  114. Palestinian Centre for Peace and Democracy PCPD
  115. Phenix Center for Economics & Informatics Studies/Jordan
  116. Center for International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights/Yemen
  117. Jerusalem Center for Legal Aid and Human Rights/Palestine
  118. Strategic Initiative Center Palestine/Malaysia
  119. Women's Center for Legal Aid and Counselling/Palestine
  120. The Dutch Yemeni Center for the Defense of Rights and Freedoms
  121. Jothor Center for Human Rights/Jordan
  122. Human Rights Center for Memory and Archives/Morocco
  123. Center for the Protection and Freedom of Journalists/ Jordan
  124. Damascus Center for Theoretical and Civil Studies
  125. Adalah Center for Human Rights Studies/Jordan
  126. Amman Center for Human Rights Studies (ACHRS)
  127. Eye of Humanity Center for Rights and Development / Yemen
  128. Metro Center for Defending the Rights of Journalists/ Iraq
  129. Scandinavian Institute of Human Rights/Geneva
  130. International Institute for Peace, Justice and Human Rights/Geneva
  131. Dialogue Forum for Development and Human Rights / Egypt
  132. The Palestinian Democratic Forum in Europe
  133. The Cultural and Legal Youth Forum at the Arab Observatory / Lebanon
  134. Houran Forum for Citizenship/Syria
  135. Economic and Social Forum for Women/Jordan
  136. Bahrain Forum for Human Rights
  137. Renewal Forum for Citizen and Democratic Thought / Tunisia
  138. Sisters Arab Forum for Human Rights (Yemen)
  139. Sudanese National Civil Forum(includes 54 civil society organizations) / Sudan
  140. Moroccan Forum for Truth and Equity
  141. Organization of Persons with Dual Disabilities/Yemen
  142. African Organization for Human Rights Monitoring/Morocco
  143. Libyan Academic Organization
  144. The Tunisian Organization against Torture
  145. Gender Studies and Information Organization / Iraq
  146. Organization for the Defense of Prisoners of Conscience in Syria -Rawanga
  147. International Organization for Human Rights and International Law / Norway
  148. The Arab Organization for Human Rights in Syria
  149. The Kurdish Organization for Human Rights in Syria (DAD)
  150. Egyptian Organization for Human Rights
  151. National Organization for Human Rights in Syria
  152. Yemeni Organization for Dialogue of Religions and Cultures
  153. Yemeni Organization for Humanitarian Action / Yemen
  154. Freedom House Organization to defend human rights and combat slavery and its remnants/ Mauritania
  156. Human Rights Organization in Syria- Maf
  157. Desert Youth Organization for Development and Human Rights / Libya
  158. Freedom Martyr Nabil Barakati Organization: Memory and Wafa/ Tunisia
  159. Yemeni Organization for Defense Rights and Democratic Freedoms/Yemen
  160. Al-Haq Foundation for Freedom of Opinion and Expression and Human Rights/Egypt
  161. The Middle East Foundation for Development and Human Rights (Yemen)
  162. Addameer Foundation for Human Rights/ Palestine
  163. Addameer Foundation for Prisoners Care and Human Rights /Palestine
  164. The Arab Foundation to support Civil Society and Human Rights/Egypt
  165. The Egyptian Foundation for the Advancement of Childhood Conditions/Egypt
  166. National Foundation to Combat Human Trafficking/Yemen
  167. Youth Foundation for Community Development / Yemen
  168. Future Partners Foundation for Development and Human Rights - Yemen
  169. Mada Foundation for Human Rights / Iraq
  170. The Coordination Committee for Yemeni NGOs for Children's Rights / Yemen
  171. Moroccan Commission for Human Rights
  172. The Moroccan Commission for the Support of the Nation's Issue

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