It is truly amazing the things one can get used to. It has become perfectly normal to sit in the sun for hours and watch people on the move as one awaits the soldier’s gesture to drive on or walk on; across the stupid ‘checkpoint’ and start your day with a ‘smile’.
If the soldier aims the gun at your head because you walk a little too fast, don’t panic, (for you might get shot). Just calmly smile and stand still and await instructions. You can pretend to be playing ‘Simon says’ or something of that sort, in order to live with yourself.
Do not seek to have the killer soldiers feel bad or sorry. Do not ask them if they would do this to a fellow Jew. Just smile and remember they are the “chosen” people, at least they believe they are and one is better off charming them to expedite the experience. After all, you just want to pass so you can start your day and somewhat feel alive.
You don’t have to crack up loudly at their jokes or try to befriend them in order to feel like a VIP, but neither should you frown in an obvious way or give them a look of disgust. For you never know when you will see them again and at which checkpoint you will run into them. Avoid a quarrel for they already hate your guts without you trying to prove a point.
Do not venture and attempt to speak in Hebrew if you are not fluent, for the minute you speak their language, they can hold you responsible for not understanding what they say. If you want to talk in Hebrew you better be damn good at it and should not expect anything in return.
Keep a serious attitude and calmly name the languages you can speak. Do not reply to any language other than the ones you named, for you can be called a liar and that can be costly the minute the soldier finds that reason to pick on you.
You have to maintain the right balance; Don’t be too friendly, but avoid being too hostile. Permanently ignoring soldiers can cause you damage, but paying them too much attention has proven to be hurtful as well. Try to remember that nothing you say or do will change them and focus on your day, which is due to start as soon as you cross that stupid ‘checkpoint.’
Even if you arrive a couple of hours late to work, it is not the soldier’s responsibility or fault, and sharing such information with them will only delay you and the people standing in line behind you even more. So keep on, while paying attention in case they happen to spew out instructions. Pretend to be a sheep, but remember you are expected to have more brains than the sheep. So free yourself from pride and independence, while thinking actively about how ‘wonderful’ your day will be the second you cross the stupid ‘checkpoint.’
If you cross and find another checkpoint in your face on the other side, count your blessings! Just because you spent the last two hours in line does not exempt you from standing in another line at another checkpoint. Look at it as practice. The more you practice, the better you will be at freeing yourself from emotions and maintaining your exposure, as you calmly cross (maybe with a yellow smile this time), but do not rid yourself of that smile, it is your weapon of choice, your M-16.
If it makes you feel better, this is a form of non-violent resistance. Knowing the unfair hardships and restrictions you are about to face, yet facing soldiers head on day after day shows commendable resilience. The soldiers change every two weeks or so, but you do this everyday, so you are defeating the weaklings without taking a break.
Remember, you already won! Whether it is going to university and taking a three hour detour; leaving home at six to be at work by nine, or going to schools and hospitals through dangerous routes, your desire to live defies their occupation.
You are living it out to the fullest; no one can have such stories to tell their grand-children. After living like this and watching their desperate measures yield them nothing, you will feel empowered. You might not see results right away, yet physically existing and crossing that stupid checkpoint is a small victory, or at least feels that way!
Every mountain has an apex and from there on it is downwards. You are lucky for all through your life you only need to look upwards and move upwards. There is no room to sink any lower, as you watch your enemy rolling down the mountain slowly but surely, humanity will prevail.
By: Joharah Baker for MIFTAH
Date: 27/05/2013
By: Joharah Baker for MIFTAH
Date: 20/05/2013
By: Joharah Baker for MIFTAH
Date: 13/05/2013