Thursday, 19 September. 2024
Your Key to Palestine
The Palestinian Initiatives for The Promotoion of Global Dialogue and Democracy

JERUSALEM –27-3-2006– MIFTAH’s Media Monitoring Unit in cooperation with KESHEV (The Center for the Protection of Democracy in Israel) has released its report entitled The Palestinian National Unity Government and Prospects for Peace for the period of September 1 – December 31, 2006. The project and indeed the periodical reports aim at facilitating the development of a bold and professional media coupled with a culture of tolerance, moderation and understanding between the two peoples, through monitoring research, advocacy and lobbying, without jeopardizing freedom of expression.

In its report, MIFTAH has found that newspapers were largely concerned with the issue of the formation of the National Unity Government. The newspapers were “swamped” with minute news details and a huge number of articles addressing the issue. They should have paid more attention to real progress, if any, in this context and ignored the multitude of statements that are neither useful nor harmful to the issue. The newspapers’ follow up on the statements and special reports on the peace process was good. These reports, however, were mostly taken from foreign sources and lacked the necessary analyses that would examine their seriousness and impact on the internal Palestinian conditions.

The media, regretfully, contributed to aggravating the conflict between “Fateh” and “Hamas,” increasing the internal tension and charging, through reporting and highlighting multitudes of exchanged statements and accusations either between “Fateh” and “Hamas” or between the Presidency and the Prime Minister’s Office, reaching the level of reporting the swearwords used. The newspapers and PBC continued to rely heavily on foreign and local news agencies’ reports on local news. The degree of reliance on foreign news and reports largely increased. Moreover, the specific sources for some reports were not documented, hence undermining their credibility.

MIFTAH calls upon media institutions, particularly the PBC, to refrain from portraying bloody and grotesque pictures of victims, and to refrain from incitement, instigation and propagation of expressions of hostility and hatred.

Finally, MIFTAH believes that its previous and often reiterated recommendation regarding the establishment of a higher media council has acquired even more importance under the current circumstances. This council, which is professional and independent from the executive power and which comprises prominent professional, intellectual, media and civil society leaders, is extremely important. It will contribute to providing support, care and protection to the Palestinian media and develop its aptitude and its tools.

The Palestinian Initiative for the Promotion of Global Dialogue and Democracy, MIFTAH, is a non-governmental, non-partisan Jerusalem-based institution dedicated to fostering democracy and good governance within Palestinian society through promoting public accountability, transparency, the free flow of information and ideas and the challenging of stereotyping at home and abroad.

CONTACT: Ruham Nimri
Unit Coordinator – MIFTAH’s Media Monitoring Unit
Tel: +972 0 298 9490/1
Fax: +972 0 298 9492
E-mail: ruham@miftah.org or monitoring@miftah.org

To View the Full Report as PDF (3.5 MB)

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