Friday, 20 September. 2024
Your Key to Palestine
The Palestinian Initiatives for The Promotoion of Global Dialogue and Democracy

If you want to learn how to spin a good yarn, if you want to flip an argument completely on its head and make everyone else also spin on their heads to see the logic — without apparent side-effects other than collective delusion — then you need to follow what the Israeli diplomats are saying about the perils of Palestine becoming an official member and placing a membership bid at the UN.

Don't turn to Netanyahu — he's a compulsive liar who never wants to have peace with the Palestinians; it would ruin him politically — he lives to ensure the security state of Israel, forever. Listen to the Israeli Ambassador to the US, Michael Oren, for a more nuanced argument. Though entirely arrogant and smug, this is how to do the ‘peace' dance.

In an exclusive interview with Foreign Policy magazine (posted August 30, 2011), Oren warned in all seriousness, with a straight face, that if the Palestinians pushed for UN membership on September 20 at the General Assembly, then the Palestinians would be responsible for ending all previous agreements with Israel, thus invalidating whatever remains of the peace process.

Of course, Oren did not mention that it was Israel that invalidated the 1993-94 Oslo Accords that launched the peace process which was meant to lead to Palestinian statehood before the new millennium by continuing with rampant Jewish colonial growth in occupied east Jerusalem and the West Bank, as well as the perpetuation of the Israeli military occupation. That he did not mention.

According to his twisted discourse, the Palestinians would be at fault for unilaterally calling for statehood via the most internationally-recognised multilateral institution, the UN, in the world, and that this would in fact endanger relations with the US as well, since the US is the leading Quartet member and a mediator (however biased) of the previous agreements.

Collective delusion

Ironically, this is precisely the point of what the Palestinians want. No matter how divided they may be right now between Gaza, occupied Jerusalem, the West Bank, the diaspora and beyond, many mainstream Palestinians would like to see an end to the ‘interim' agreements and actually have a state of their own. All the agreements postpone Palestinian statehood and prolong the Israeli security state.

The side-effects of the collective delusion of course are that this state of security for Israel alone will actually be beneficial to the Jews in the long run. The Jewish lobby groups in Washington, namely the overly-influential American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), and the US politicians, including those 60 Congressmen that visited Israel this summer actually believe they are helping to protect the Jews in a very violent neighbourhood.

Maximising Israel's military strength and maintaining its regional hegemony is the short-term fix, but it is not a long-term solution. Moreover, it reveals a deep insecurity felt by the Jewish Israelis. Hiding behind walls and barbed wire and checkpoints does not bode well for co-existence with the 22 Arab League states that have openly proposed peace to Israel.

Moreover, how will Israel justify being a democracy when it wants to be a Jewish state? The entire process of the modern nation-state building is based on separating state and religion. How will it be a Jewish state if the majority becomes Arab? How will it be a democracy if it denies those Arabs of the 1948 areas equal status in society? What does Israel really want at the end of the day? Someone ask Oren. The respected Palestinian commentator, Rami Khouri, claims it's all about control in this article on why the UN Palestine vote frightens the United States and Israel earlier this month. The Israelis and Americans have been in control of the process for so long that they get all in a dither when someone else makes an initiative. Israeli finance minister Yuval Steinitz went so far as to say that the Palestinian UN bid is a greater threat than Hamas. So Hamas is not really a threat after all? A diplomatic move on the international scenes is more threatening to Israel supposedly than home-made rockets? The hysterical comments coming out of Israel merely confirm that they themselves do not know what they want, and that's bad news. Why a finance minister would be making such ludicrous statements is another matter entirely.

The Israeli and US response actually reveals something beyond an obsessive issue of control. It's about a system that self-perpetuates based on the gated-community concept in which safety is nowhere around except behind walls protected by soldiers and video cameras. It's about the massive lucrative deals and the plethora of companies involved in the military industry. Israel is a security state.

By the Same Author
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