Tuesday, 21 January. 2025
Your Key to Palestine
The Palestinian Initiatives for The Promotoion of Global Dialogue and Democracy

Over the past days, coverage of last week's suicide bombing in Tel Aviv has been a major news event across the world. However, the words chosen to describe this tragic event reflect the common biases and media manipulation of the situation in Israel and Palestine.

Examine the headlines in mainstream media: "Mid-East Peace Rests on Motive for Tel Aviv Nightclub Bombing" and "A Palestinian Suicide Attack Has Shattered Several Weeks of Calm, Putting an Israeli-Palestinian Ceasefire to Its First Big Test" (BBC); "Suicide Bomb at Tel Aviv Club Shatters Palestinian-Israeli Truce" (New York Times); "Tel Aviv Bombing Hits Hope for Peace" (Financial Times); and "Attack Outside Nightclub Shatters Truce" (Washington Post).

By labeling the bombing as the sole reason for breaking the truce and threatening the current peace process, the media assign full blame to the Palestinians. What the media failed to report are the numerous Israeli violations of the truce prior to the Tel Aviv bombing, including more than a dozen killings and many more attacks on Palestinians by Israeli armed forces. (See MIFTAH's "Ceasefire! What Ceasefire?) The absence of information in order to favor the Israeli position is a common and systematic practice by many mass media in reporting the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. The media's approach to the story not only violates the rules of fairness and balance in journalism by failing to report a story in its entirety, but it also manipulates the public's perception and understanding of both Palestinians and Israelis as actors and victims in this decades-long conflict.

Many recent media stories have also conveniently excluded efforts by Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas to keep his promises regarding the ceasefire agreement. In February, he fired several Palestinian security commanders and officials for failing to prevent Palestinian resistance groups from firing homemade rockets, which killed and injured no one, at Israeli settlements in Gaza. Palestinian Authority security forces also began to uncover and close tunnels between southern Gaza and Egypt, which have been used in the past to smuggle weapons into Gaza. And immediately following the Tel Aviv bombing, the Palestinian government made its own arrests of individuals suspected of being involved in the attack. The current Palestinian government is taking strong action to curb the violence on its side, but achieving one hundred percent security overnight is not possible for any country. In fact, many western countries still face similar security issues.

On the other side, since the ceasefire agreement between Israelis and Palestinians at the Sharm el Sheikh Summit in early February, Israeli forces have opened fire against Palestinians across the Occupied Territories, continuing its practice of killing with impunity and with little or no regard to human life. Israel also reneged on its promise to release Palestinian prisoners, backtracked on its decision to withdraw from the areas surrounding Palestinian cities and continued its building of the illegal segregation Wall. Yet none of these acts of aggression and violations of the truce were cited in recent media reports as contributions to the shattering or testing of peace agreements.

Leaders across the world, particularly those from the United States, have demanded that Abbas "crack down" on violence by some Palestinian factions if he wants international support and implementation of the peace process. Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon even announced that negotiations between the two sides are frozen until Abbas can control violent extremists. But where is the pressure for Sharon to curb his own country's violent acts, harassment and prolonged illegal occupation of Palestinians?

MIFTAH is committed to peaceful solutions to the conflict and condemns the Tel Aviv bombing, as well as other acts of violence from both sides that target civilians. However, we also call on the media to stop its common practices of bias and unfair reporting of the conflict. The power of words, images, and information inherently give the media a role and responsibility towards Palestinians, Israelis and the international community in achieving peace in the region. It is time to use this power for the good.

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